Nature Immersion School
& Children's Therapy
Preschool thru Elementary
Sumner, Washington
"A child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is beautiful, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood."
― Rachel Carson: Biologist, Author, Activist
Inspired creation of the Environmental Protection Agency

If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. -Vincent Van Gogh

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.” —Henry David Thoreau
Matthew Fortin : Founder. Director. Lead Teacher
Matthew's entry into the field of early childhood and nature education has been nothing short of extraordinary! About 13 years ago, during his career as an iron worker, he sustained a life altering back injury. After years of treatments and therapies, it was clear he would never be able to return to his previous profession. He realized he would have to take a new career path and decided that no matter what it was, it had to contribute to society in a deep, lasting and meaningful way. When he asked his 5 kids what they thought he should do, he was surprised that all of them said the same thing...."You should be a teacher or a coach! You're so much fun!" The thought of teaching in a classroom held zero appeal for him, so he put the kids idea far in the back of his mind. Then, after talking to his wife and walking his property, he realized that he could be a teacher of a different type, and it was out of this, Timber Creek Farm and Forest School was born!
Matthews specialty is early childhood development, holistic education and compassionate communication. He is a Certified Forest School Educator and first generation organic farmer. Through Timber Creek, he engages the children with the wonders of the forest and the fruits of the field while giving them the foundation to build their imaginations, inner resilience, character and a strong moral compass.
Matthew believes that all the experiences of his life prepared him for this ultimate and ever changing creation that is Timber Creek. Every day he gives all of his heart and soul to creating a space where young people will thrive surrounded by love, safety, understanding and the beauty of nature. In his own words, "You know how I know this life isn't real?? Because I'm livin' the dream!"
I addition to Timber Creek, Matthew is a father of 5, a singer and songwriter and creative. He plays music around his hometown and loves to connect with friends and family around the bonfire.
Tinneca Fortin : Co-Founder. Lead Teacher.
Tinneca is Matthew's wife and one of Timber Creek's teachers. She's a holistic educator at heart and homeschooled her own children into high school. When her husband began to get excited about the idea of a nature school, she saw an incredible spark in him and she's so proud to support his dream and grow the Timber Creek family. Her specialty is supporting compassionate self-awareness, instilling mindfulness skills and teaching the art of setting healthy, firm boundaries whether during the school day or 1 on 1 therapy sessions.
In addition to Timber Creek Farm and Forest, Tinneca is a mother of 5,
somatic trauma therapist, meditation teacher and midwife. She loves to play music around the town with Teacher Matt and is deeply humbled to see many of the babies she has delivered come into the Timber Creek program.
This is our family! We are blessed to have 5 awesome kids that are our inspiration. They were the first 'real' class of Timber Creek, and spent countless hours hiking and exploring nature with Matt when they were young. Now they're older (16 to 22) and as we continuously enter new stages of parenting, we more deeply honor and appreciate the special time that childhood is. We are forever grateful for our kids being our first teachers. To be able to continue influencing the hearts and minds of the children that come to learn and grow at Timber Creek Farm and Forest is truly humbling and brings us deep joy.
-Matthew and Tinneca Fortin